Embark on a magical journey under the sea with our story time program, “Manatee Tales: Adventures with Mia & Friends.” Held every other Saturday from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., this captivating program immerses children in the fascination of marine life. It begins with a kid-friendly exploration of our exhibit, opening an underwater world filled with the beauty and mystery of the creatures that call the Lake Worth Lagoon home.

The adventure continues in our newly renovated classroom, meticulously designed to transport children to a mesmerizing underwater ecosystem. Here, our Manatee Masters bring storybooks to life detailing the enchanting escapades of Mia the Manatee’s lovable animal friends. Every tale provides a stimulating journey daring to inspire and encourage curiosity in young minds.

The story time culminates with children creating a craft inspired by the tale of the day, fostering their artistic expression and reinforcing their learning. This immersive program energizes creativity, education, and storytelling all while creating memorable experiences. Join us at Manatee Lagoon – An FPL Eco-Discovery Center® for an unforgettable adventure!

Children, ages 3 and above accompanied by guardians, are welcome. This program is located indoors and will meet at skeletons behind the welcome desk. 

Date: Every other Saturday

Time: 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Registration: Opens 45 days in advance of each event and is requested for planning purposes.

Location: 6000 N. Flagler Drive, West Palm Beach, FL

Cost: Free – Registration is required.

Additional Details: Manatee Lagoon requires parents/guardians to stay with their children during the program. Limited seating is available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Stroller Policy during Story Time: We kindly request that all strollers be left outside our classroom during Story Time due to limited space. Unfortunately, we do not have a designated area to store strollers and will not be held responsible for any lost or stolen items. To ensure the safety and convenience of everyone, we recommend considering leaving your stroller in your vehicle.